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Elijah House

School of Inner Healing, Deliverance, and Ministry Training

Training Course 201

Nine Sunday afternoon classes Beginning March 6

Online or In-Person options, 3-6 pm ET

Kentwood, MI


School Vision:

In keeping with the Elijah House mission to turn the heart of the fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers (Malachi 4:5-6), our vision for the school is to equip, encourage and release ambassadors for Christ/Yeshua (2 Cor. 5:18-20). As his ambassadors, the Holy Spirit/Ruach haKodesh works through us to restore broken, hurting hearts, and to reconcile relationships. In prayerfully planned instructional and ministry settings, we provide “keys of knowledge” that renew the mind and sow truth in the heart, resulting in life transformation, preparing students for ministry and service to God and others.


School goals

To provide students with a clear view of Christ-centeterd Inner Healing (a means toward sanctification and transformation) and its foundations in Scripture. To teach, model and provide opportunity to practice…

  • Ministry to one another according to the Word of God, in the power and sensitivity of Messiah through his Holy Spirit

  • Prayer in inner healing ministry

  • Applying the essential scriptural elements of inner healing: confession, forgiveness, and repentance.

  • Recognizing and understanding common problems and patterns of difficulty in people’s lives, identifying wounds and roots of bitterness (tracking fruit to root)

  • Listening to the Holy Spirit’s direction in healing ministry

  • Basic ministry skills: interviewing, active listening, prayer and small group dynamics

  • Sharing God’s unconditional love in healing relationships

Registration Open Now

School tuition $255

Married couples $355 (shared workbook)

Initial deposit due March 1 $155

2nd payment due March 27, 2022

Final payment due April 17, 2022

Additional class information


Each week, students will be emailed a link to the lessons covered that week to watch at a time best suited to you. Homework must be completed each week before our meeting on Sundays. We will be meeting from 3-6 pm ET to go over our materials, homework and to meet in our small groups.

Week 1

  • Biblical Basis for Elijah House Training

  • Bitter Judgments and Expectancies

  • Ministry Skills 1

  • Small Group Orientation

Week 2

  • Inner Vows

  • Heart and Mind

  • Ministry Tools #2 – Following the Holy Spirit

Week 3 

  • Foundational Lies

  • Bitter Fruit

  • Ministry Tools #3 -Interviewing

Week 4

  • Accomplishing Forgiveness

  • Repentance and Restitution

  • Prayer Ministry Demo

Week 5

  • Rightly Expressing Emotions

  • Honoring Father and Mother

  • Unmet Needs

Week 6

  • Shame

  • Praying to Release Trauma

  • Burden Bearing

Week 7

  • Deliverance and Inner Healing

  • Performance Orientation

  • Parental Inversion

Week 8

  • Reconciling with God – Healing Spiritual Rebellion

  • How We See God

  • Live Ministry Demonstration

Week 9 

  • Common Errors in Ministry

  • Sealing Our Healing

  • Reconciliation

  • Graduation

Apply now

Become a Certified Prayer Minister!

Please let us know how to send you a Student Application form and further registration information.


Inner Healing Ministry


Song of Shifrah